Week 10 – Managing an Inventory Buffer

A description of the two fundamental types of inventory, the science that makes them different, and basic concepts for optimal control.
Week 9 – Planning the Capacity Buffer

Proper capacity planning requires that you, one, know how to calculate capacity and, two, understand the effects of variability and how to calculate those effects. Plan your capacity buffer with operations science to obtain best financial and customer service performance.
Week 8 – Operations Science and Budgeting

Operations science concepts connect financial statements to operations performance optimization. Jeff Bell, Managing Director of Arc Precision, shares his experience applying the concepts to successfully grow and manage a company.
Week 7 – The Fundamental Relationship

An explanation of the fundamental dynamics of buffers and variability that is central to operations science. Understanding this relationship is vital for people in operations to achieve predictable success in their careers.
Optimizing the Supply Chain With Existing Resources

Operations science concepts formed the foundation of a company transformation leading to tens of millions of dollars of savings. Gisele Roy, Senior Director of Supply Chain for Terumo, provides description of her experience working with supply chain and finance teams to vastly improve customer service and profitability.
Week 6 – Operations Science and People

This week’s episode explores what motivates people, how operations science helps leaders motivate their teams, and how operations science strengthens motivation within a team.
Week 5 – What is Operations Science?

In this week’s episode, we provide the basic definition of operations science and describe its core concept. This is a fundamental requirement for understanding behavior of operations so leaders and workers can establish predictive control and accelerate success.
Week 4 – What is Operations Strategy?

A working definition of strategy and operations strategy. Building on last week’s video, we discuss characteristics required to establish objective, productive operations goals that align with operations science.
Week 3 – What is the Goal?

Evaluation of popular operations goals and a description of objective operations goals that align with operations science.
Week 2 – The Error of Forecasting

Common forecasting errors and practical tips for productive forecasting.