Week 20 – Details of Leading and Lagging Measures

Planner peers into a crystal ball which are her leading measures that predict future performance.

This week we provide specific examples of leading and lagging measures. Leading measures track causes, not effects. To see the effects, track lagging measures which provide understanding of whether the causes were accurately described–true scientific thinking.

Week 19 – The Best Measures for Individuals

A skilled craftsman-meticulously measures his work.

Measures motivate behavior. This week provides a list of important characteristics of measures used for measuring individual performance. Also provided are specific examples of these measures, including examples the average view may not have seen before.

Week 18 – The Best Measures to Measure

Measure success

Don’t be overwhelmed with measures and KPIs. In the operations science framework, required measures naturally surface. There are the vital few and everything else is just window dressing.

Week 15 – Operations Science and IT (Part 1)

What is Operations Science? | Operations science training

Computers are much faster than people at processing information. This causes an excessive feedback problem that many don’t recognize. Companies invest millions and billions of dollars in IT but still end up with poor on-time delivery and high cost.